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Sunlover Heating Joins SPASA 

Sunlover heating has recently joined the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd and the Pool and Spa Association Ltd New Zealand (SPASA). SPASA is the largest peak Swimming Pool & Spa industry body in the southern hemisphere. SPASA’s mission is to improve the health and happiness of the community through the growth of the pool and spa industry. They offer training and professional development to educate, promote and advocate for all members.  

SPASA relies on five key pillars to uphold relevance and credibility to all members: 

  • People – Training for members to improve skills and knowledge surrounding appropriate practices for health and safety of the community. 
  • Promotion – Gold standard professionals to deliver exceptional products to the community  
  • Representation – Advocate for members and the community at all levels of government: local, state, federal and International levels. Creating policy informed by a ground up approach, utilising real world experience from our members.  
  • Member Services – providing exclusive products and services to all sectors of the pool, spa and outdoor living industries. 
  • Corporate Support – Constant improvement models adapted to ensure efficient corporate structures.  

What does this mean for Sunlover Heating?  

Being a SPASA member means that when you use Sunlover Heating products you can rest assured that they are the best in the business. SPASA members must all adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and provide goods and services that meet the industry standard. SPASA members all use contracts that comply with state and federal legislation whilst providing you with consumer protection. You can have peace of mind knowing that your new pool and it’s heating solutions will have strong warranty entitlements.  

Look for the SPASA logo!  

Using a SPASA member will provide you with numerous benefits to ensure that you are getting what you pay for. Look out for the SPASA logo to ensure your pool suppliers are apart of a group that is working for you!  

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