How PV Ready Works
Combine your Oasis pool heat pump with your PV Solar Power System and save money! Leading the Australian pool heat pump industry, the intelligent controller can adjust the heat pump’s capacity automatically to maximise the excess energy produced by your PV system. With up to four smart user-programmable PV Ready operating modes, your Oasis heat pump offers the ability to adapt to various conditions, giving you enhanced control over your home energy usage.
Rapidheat Mode
Oasis iX Heat Pump automatically switches over to RapidHeat mode & leverages excess power (that otherwise would be sent to the grid), & starts rapidly heating your pool.
Temperature Sensor
Once desired pool temperature is reached, the heat pump automatically switches back to its regular running mode.
Solar Inverter
Oasis IX PV Ready range communicates directly with your Smart Grid Ready solar inverter
Energy Diverted
When your solar inverter detects excess power being generated from your roof solar, it diverts energy into the Oasis Heat Pump instead of the grid.
Use excess power
Put your excess power to work, rather than in rebates that are reducing. Oasis iX PV Ready range can pre-heat your pool while the sun is shining – warming it up ahead of those cloudy days and saving you money.