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Is a Solar Pool Heating System Worth it in Sydney?

After a few days of cloudy weather, the New South Wales temperature of the pool might drop significantly, which can put off even the most resilient kids. 90% of swimming pools that aren’t heated are only used from December to February each year. 

The sole and exclusive purpose of heating your pool is to allow you to use it year-round hence extending your swimming seasons to all year round! Fast forwards to 2022, and heat pump pool heaters are by far the most affordable solutions to heat almost any pool. Old school heating methods (electric kettle style) were incredibly expensive and useless. With even more technological advancements, a heat pump might be connected to

Pool Heat pumps are closely followed by solar pool heating, which, despite being quite expensive to install, may prove to be more affordable in the long run. Pool water is continuously fed through strips or panels of collector tubes put on your roof in solar systems (at a slow rate). Despite not reaching the usual desirable temperatures as the full sun would, it is still possible for your pool to heat up if it is cloudy. Consecutive cloudy days will cause your pool temperatures to drop. It is crucial to remember that the solar heating system also requires a separate “Solar Pool Pump,” which adds to the electricity bill.

How does Sunlover New South Wales solar heating work?

Your other pool equipment operates similarly to how solar heating does. Your pool’s cold water is pumped through the filter and into a solar collector, where it is heated by the sun. Any of the following solar collector types could be used:

Rigid Solar Heating
Compared to the alternative, this form of solar heating is more reliable. It is typically constructed of polypropylene and put on roofs in the form of panels that you may have seen. This is frequently the greatest option for steep roofs, storm- and hail-prone places, and areas like Outer South East Melbourne where cockatoo problems are likely to occur.

Solar strip heating
The most widely used system, which has been around for a while. This system is often made up of a number of flexible rubber or plastic tubes, making it ideal for installations around preexisting obstacles like skylights.

Regardless of the solar heating system installed, a network of pipes is used to return the hot water to the pool after it has been heated. You should not worry because the majority of pool solar heating systems today have an automatic controller to direct the pool water through the collectors when the pool needs heating. You set the pool temperature you want, and the system takes care of the rest.

What are the benefits of solar pool heating systems in New South Wales?

When compared to heat pumps and gas heaters, solar heating systems can reduce glasshouse gas emissions and pollutants when built by a qualified pool builder. It chooses the sun as its energy source instead of electricity or gas, which are both renewable and natural.

1. Minimal Disruption

The fact that most systems can be set up in a matter of hours is a perk even though you probably won’t be the one doing it. You may start using your heated pool sooner and won’t have to spend a week at home waiting for the installation to be finished. Your turf will stay in pristine shape because solar pool heaters don’t need in-ground electricity, gas, or pipes like gas heaters do. With leak-proof anchors that have been authorised by roofers, solar panels and pipework are fastened to your roof and external home walls.

2. Solar-powered pool heaters are very dependable

Over the past 30 years, solar energy has been used to heat swimming pools as well as provide homes and businesses with electricity and warm running water. There are no fans, motors, or heat exchangers to worry about corroding or breaking. Each system is made of long-lasting, weather-resistant materials.

Here at Sunlover New South Wales we have found that to achieve the same benefits as are produced by one watt of energy from a solar panel system, one would need to burn 68 kilogrammes of coal, release 136 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide into the environment, or use a whopping 397 litres of water. Solar is a fantastic alternative if you want to do your part to preserve the environment for years to come.

3. There are hardly any maintenance-related problems.

Solar systems require very little maintenance because they are so dependable. In fact, some people could claim they require no upkeep at all. Gas heaters typically function well for a few years before they start to malfunction, requiring frequent maintenance and repair. Solar pool heaters, on the other hand, will never rust, short circuit, or get clogged with foreign objects like dust. A great solar system will never have anything more than a pipe leak, which is an easy and quick remedy.

4. You will save cash.

Undoubtedly, one of the most affordable and energy-efficient way to heat your pool is with solar energy. Because solar energy is free, running a heating pump won’t cost you any money and keeps your energy bills low. Most often, solar systems can be connected to a pool pump that already exists, saving you money on further expenditures. Within one to three years, the installation and equipment costs are often recouped.

5. You can use your pool throughout the whole year in Sydney

Using your pool year-round is the most obvious benefit of heating it. Generally speaking, over the course of a few days, solar heaters will elevate the water’s temperature up to 15 degrees warmer than the surrounding air. A solar pool heater with a pool cover can be utilised in a sunny area to raise the pool’s temperature to its highest potential. The pool is heated by the solar system during the day, and keeping the cover on at night helps to maintain the heat so you may unwind in the pool all year long which in the long run is a return on investment.

If you concur with these admirable justifications for installing a solar-powered pool heater, get in touch with us right now through our website, Facebook or call our closest office to you!

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